Towards the end of the WYSIWYG run (Spring 2014) I had a brief discussion with Tony Domenic and Evan Duggan about our "next" musical. We had so much fun with WYSIWYG it seemed only logical we would do another one. Somehow we got on the topic of Sisyphus and it really intrigued me. At some point, I said let's run with that and I started writing songs. It takes about 6 months to put together a story-line and a preliminary set of songs for a full length musical and by that time Tony was headed to California and Evan was already in Chicago.

Mary Scott and April Alsup
Mary and April working on the script.

About the same time (End of 2014), I was getting together with Mary Scott and discussing the story ideas. After getting Tony and Evan's blessing, I hired Mary to write the book. It took us about a year to have enough of a script in place for a initial reading (November 2015). Early readings can have a lot of impact on a work and I could tell that we had a long long way to go, but we kept at it and by the end of 2016 the work was mostly complete.

Sisyphus table read - November 2015
1st Reading(November 2015)

Along the way, I met with Drew Bradley and he recommended Brandon Bill as the premiere's director and Adam White for orchestration, later I met with them to work out the details. We secured the main stage at Aurora Fox Arts Center and finalized the performance dates. We blocked out rehearsal space for April and May and Adam started arranging the ensemble parts. Next, Brandon lined up our directors & designers and we scheduled auditions and call backs for mid-March. We had just about everything in place by mid-April.

Sisyphus table read - February 2017
2nd Reading(February 2017)

We rehearsed in April and May in Miller Hall at First Baptist Church across from the State Capitol and our tech week started the first week of June at the Fox theater. Opening night was Friday, June 9th, 2017. We had additional performances on Saturday evening, June 10th and Sunday afternoon, June 11th, and used the same schedule the following week. Our closing performance was the matinee on June 18th. 

Sisyphus management team
Brandon Bill, Mary Scott and April Alsup(November 2016)

* Here's a link to our Sisyphus Scrapbook.